
God Produces Change In And Through You

God Produces Change In And Through You

I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.
John 15:5

One of its most appealing features of the gospel has to be the prospect of change. Old, wrong attitudes and habits are replaced. New abilities and opportunities for impact are given. In short, God wants to work in us and through us.


In describing this process of spiritual growth, the Bible often uses agricultural imagery. For example, in the words of Christ above, as we mature in our faith, we bear “fruit.” But notice what Jesus says: We must “remain” in him. Separate a branch from its life-giving vine, and the branch not only ceases to bear fruit, it withers and dies.

In this same chapter of John, Christ reveals that branches must be pruned to increase their production of fruit (see verse 2). This is an unsettling image and a painful thought, but the idea seems to be twofold. There can be no growth or fruitfulness without pain. The Lord uses our troubles for his glory and our good.

• You will bear fruit when you remain in me.

Please, change me, Lord. Use me. Apart from you, I can do nothing. Help me to cling to you when times are tough, knowing that faithfulness always leads to fruitfulness.

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