
God Promises That You Will Be Like Him

God Promises That You Will Be Like Him

Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.
2 John 3:2

We are already God’s children—not when we’re good enough, not sometime in the future, not if we prove ourselves—now. Yet there’s something more to come, something we cannot even imagine. When Christ returns, “we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.” We not only share in his family, his blessings and his inheritance, we will also share in his glory.


This is a vision of what awaits us. We may not understand fully, but we do know that it is what we strive for. Even as we live our lives seeking to obey God and become more Christlike, we know that we cannot do it in this life. We will not be perfect until we see him as he is. When he returns, we will look into the face of our Savior and become like him in his glory. Think of it: Christ will share his glory with us!

We can trust in this glorious future. No matter how many times we may trip and fall as we seek to grow in Christ, when we belong to him, our future is secure. One day we will be like him, “for we shall see him as he is.”

• One day you will share in my glory.
• When you see me, you will be like me.

You say that I am your child, Lord. Thank you for that amazing privilege. I trust that one day I will be like you, for I will see you as you are. Help me to await that day with eager anticipation.

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