
God Promises To Make All Things New

God Promises To Make All Things New

He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”
Revelation 21:5

Have you ever heard people talk about what they imagine about heaven? Perhaps they spoke of living in the clouds or people lying around playing the harp all day, every day,for eternity. Sounds boring, right?


This kind of perception does not take into account an infinite God with the power to totally change everything, to make every day a new and glorious experience.

So, what will it really be like to live with God? John tried his best to describe what apparently was indescribable. We may not understand it completely, but we can trust that heaven will be a place of perfect joy. The old world and its evils will be gone forever. God promises to make all things new. Not just some things—all things.

When we’re tempted to fear that life in heaven will be as exciting as watching grass grow, we can take comfort in this glorious promise. A God who has no limits can be counted on to keep that promise.

• I will make all things new!

Lord God, you are worthy of my praise. Thank you for the promise of making everything new, of making heaven a place of infinite joy.

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