
God Protects You

God Protects You

Pray that we may be delivered from wicked and evil people, for not everyone has faith. But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.
2 Thessalonians 3:2-3

Have you ever run across someone who is truly evil? You might not call him or her “evil”; you might just say that person is “amoral” or “dishonest.” But evil people do exist. The world is full of such people, and they will not hesitate to attack believers because of their faith. In reality, they are part of the opposing army in a spiritual battle. As the battle intensifies, it is apparent that there is only one real enemy—the evil one himself, Satan.


In today’s verse, Paul asks the Thessalonian Christians to pray for him and his fellow travelers as they spread the gospel. If Paul asked for prayer, how much more should we be praying for others as they seek to live for Christ in a hostile world? Paul came up against his share of evil—and so will we today. But God promises to be faithful to his people, to make them strong and to guard them from Satan’s attacks. This doesn’t mean we or others close to us won’t face difficulties, but it does mean that God is faithful. In the end, that’s what we need to hold onto.

• I will be faithful to help you stand against evil.

• I will make you strong and protect you from the evil one.

Lord, sometimes I’m overwhelmed by the evil I read about or see. Such evil causes me to sometimes doubt your ability to deal with it. Forgive me for doubting. Help me turn to you for protection and strength in the midst of a hostile world. Ultimately, you will triumph and your name will be glorified.

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