
God Provides Satisfaction As You Live By His Word

God Provides Satisfaction As You Live By His Word

Direct me in the path of your commands, for there I find delight.
Psalm 119:35

The Bible frequently pictures our earthly existence as a foot journey. In other words, we “walk” through this life. And as we do we must choose. We can join the throng of travelers on the popular, broad roads that ignore the Creator and lead ultimately to destruction (see Matthew 7:13-14). Or we can choose, with the dwindling minority, to walk with the Lord.


Choosing Christ means a tough, often lonely, trip along a narrow path. This way—Jesus’ way—will take us straight into dangerous territory. We will have frightening moments. We will be tempted repeatedly by appealing yet misleading shortcuts. We will, on occasion, feel lost—or feel all is lost.

But in truth we are safest and most satisfied when we stay on Christ’s path, walking along the way outlined in the Word of God. This plodding life seldom brings the thrills that we might find at an amusement park. But it results in a lasting joy that most travelers will never know.

• You will find satisfaction to the degree that you obey my Word.

This world offers an endless variety of paths, Lord. Help me see that true joy and satisfaction can be found through walking with you. I want to walk the narrow way with Christ, not the broad path that leads to destruction.

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