
God Quenches Your Thirsty Soul

God Quenches Your Thirsty Soul

Whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.
John 4:14

The renowned British author C. S. Lewis once observed that if we find within ourselves longings that nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical conclusion is that we were created for another world.


Of course all of us have longings. Look around at all the fidgety, searching people. Look also at the countless ways people try to fill the gnawing emptiness inside them.

Now observe Jesus of Nazareth, standing at Jacob’s well conversing with a woman with a dried-up spirit. Listen as he proclaims himself the solution for her soul’s deepest longings.

Tough times provide the unexpected blessing of putting restless people in touch with their soul’s desperate condition. If you can relate to such spiritual thirst you would do well to accept Jesus’ offer of living water. Your problems likely will not change, but you will.

• I alone can quench your spiritual thirst.

• I give eternal life.

Jesus, you are the only one who can satisfy a thirsty soul. The life that you give supplies continual refreshment. Teach me the holy habit of looking to you alone for whatever my soul is thirsty for. Make me a source of encouragement and help to those who are spiritually dry.

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