
God Satisfies Your Deepest Longings

God Satisfies Your Deepest Longings

Whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.
John 4:14

Mark Twain once observed, “You don’t know quite what it is you want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so.” It’s a shame the great humorist never took to heart the words of Augustine (see February 5).


The fact of the matter is we are restless, aching people. Look around you. Look at the myriad ways people are trying to fill the gnawing emptiness inside them. This frantic soul-searching helps explain much of our behavior.

Ultimately only one Person can quench our thirst fully and finally: Jesus. If your heart is parched and your soul is thirsty, you need to know that Jesus offers the living water of salvation … to you and to all who will come to him in simple faith.

• I alone can quench your spiritual thirst.

• I give eternal life.

Jesus, you are the only one who can satisfy the deep longings of my soul. Remind me that nothing in a temporal world can bring lasting fulfillment to an immortal soul. The life that you give is my internal source of continual refreshment. Teach me the holy habit of looking to you alone for whatever my soul needs.

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