
God Takes Care Of The Lonely

God Takes Care Of The Lonely 

A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families, he leads out the prisoners with singing; but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land.
Psalm 68:5-6

Many people subconsciously believe the notion that God is partial to those in high places—the prominent and powerful; the well-to-do and popular. After all, aren’t these the trendsetters and opinion shapers of culture? Aren’t these the ones who have the influence to move the masses?

But tucked away in King David’s celebration song that is Psalm 68 are two short verses that tell a different story. In this passage we find the startling promise that the God of the universe is concerned not with the rich and famous, but with the poor and obscure.

Downtrodden people have a special place in the Lord’s heart. When God sees lonely people, he swings into action, “set[ting] the lonely in families”—that is, providing them with opportunities for rewarding relationships.

If you are lonely today, rejoice in the Lord’s care for you, and keep your eyes open for the surprising ways he wants to fill the emptiness you experience.

• I am a father to the fatherless.

• I am a defender of widows.

• I provide for the needs of the lonely.

Lord God, when I feel lonely, let me look to you to meet my needs. You are a faithful father, deliverer and provider. You are the source of true joy.


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