
God Takes Care Of You

God Takes Care Of You

The Lord is gracious and righteous; our God is full of compassion.
Psalm 116:5

It would be odd to write a book on God’s promises for people in tough times and not mention Psalm 116. The lyrics of this ancient song describe a distressing, near-death episode using dark words such as “cords of death,” “anguish of the grave,” and “distress and sorrow” (116:3).


Whatever the specific situation, clearly this was not a carefree time in the psalmist’s life. Nevertheless, his troubled soul found encouragement and help in remembering God’s compassion. God was gracious to him. He showed favor and kindness.

If you want a stunning picture of God’s compassion to the scared and hurting, read all 19 verses of this remarkable psalm. God is pictured as being absolutely attentive to the prayers of his helpless children—he “turned his ear to me” (verse 2). He is protective and gentle to us because we are precious to him.

It’s when we experience God’s compassion that we’re able to move from problems to praise.

• I am compassionate.

• I want to show you mercy.

O, Lord, you are compassionate and full of mercy. Thank you for not treating me as I deserve. You are good to your children, taking care of their every need. I praise you for being so gentle and loving. In dark times enable me to fix my mind on your proven track record of kindness.

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