
God Transforms You

God Transforms You

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Romans 12:2

Have you ever been asked, “How will I know what God wants me to do?” Maybe you’ve asked that question yourself.


Most people who have walked with Jesus for many years can see that a steady walk with God, seeking to follow him with small steps of faith, has transformed their lives. It’s the small steps that lead to the big goals. The quivering steps of faith keep us on solid foundations.

So how can you know the will of God? Take the daily little steps. God never shows us the entire path ahead. We probably couldn’t handle that anyway. Instead, he promises that his Word will be a lamp to light our feet, lighting up just a small portion of the path ahead (see Psalm 119:105). God want his children to be different from the world by our faith and to ask him to transform us as we learn more about him. Then we will be guaranteed to stay on the right path, doing God’s “good, pleasing and perfect will.”

• I will transform you into a new person as you seek to follow me.

• I will let you know my perfect will as you walk with me.

Lord, help me grow closer to you, to understand the difference between what you desire and what the world offers. Teach me not to copy the behaviors and customs of this world but to be transformed into a new person.

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