
God Uses Trouble To Build Character

God Uses Trouble To Build Character

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
James 1:2-4

Some Christians in the midst of trouble feel an obligation to pretend things are better than they are. Just watch their forced smiles or listen to their overly rehearsed declarations of faith and praise. Clearly these folks are trying hard, but they appear to be playing—badly—the role of a “mature Christian”—rather than responding authentically.


There are believers who react to those in crisis by bombarding them with Bible verses and Christian clichés. Their intent is to help, but in times of pain even true words can ring hollow and sometimes even have a stinging effect. “God is with me”—okay, I guess that’s true. But I sure can’t sense his presence. Why do I feel so alone?

The James passage above suggests that trouble is a fact of life. It also declares God’s goal that we develop depth of soul, not a superficial “Christian persona.” In other words, it’s okay to wrestle honestly. In fact, that’s the only path to a strong character.

• I allow you to go through trials so that you might develop a strong character.

O Lord, forgive me for the times I buy into the silly idea that you or others are impressed by superficial saints who mindlessly parrot Bible verses. Help me to remember that you want me to endure and grow strong in character. Make me attractive to others not because I wear a plastered-on smile but because I show that I’m working out my faith in an authentic way.

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