
God Values Your Obedience

God Values Your Obedience

Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the Lord? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.
1 Samuel 15:22

Through the prophet Samuel, God gave Saul, the new king of Israel, crystal clear instructions: (1) Attack and defeat the godless city Amalek, and (2) completely destroy everything in it.


Saul promptly obeyed God’s first directive. But then he decided to “improve on” the second. He spared Amalek’s king, and he kept alive the nation’s choicest livestock, intending to offer those sheep and cattle to God in sacrifices.

God was not impressed by Saul’s plan. He was not pleased with Saul’s independent thinking. Through Samuel God reminded Saul—and all believers everywhere—of a great truth. More than anything else God wants our obedience.

Why? Because when we faithfully carry out the commands of God, it demonstrates that we trust God. And remember, without faith, it is impossible to please him (see Hebrews 11:6). Jesus said that complete obedience to the Lord is the one sure proof of our love for him (see John 14:21). If we say we love God, if we claim to trust him, we must obey him.

• Obedience to me brings blessing.

God, forgive the times when I try to rationalize your clear words or justify my disobedient actions. Give me an obedient heart that loves and trusts you above all else.

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