
God Wants To Do More Than You Think

God Wants To Do More Than You Think

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.
Ephesians 3:20

The record of God’s people is a record of the unthinkable and the unimaginable: A ninety-year-old woman making her first trip to the maternity ward. A nation of slaves conquering the greatest empire in the world. A shepherd boy going one-on-one with the fiercest warrior of his time and winning.


The Bible and history confirm that such hard-to-believe events are commonplace when people of faith dare to believe that God will do all he has said he will do.

Do a little sanctified daydreaming. Given your unique background, abilities, experiences and desires, what do you suppose God could do in your life and through your life if you’d let him have his way?

Considering the promise above, whatever lofty visions you’re seeing are probably not grand enough.

• I am at work in you with my limitless power.

• I want to do more in and through you than you can even imagine.

God, I praise you! You are magnificent, glorious and awesome. You possess all power and wisdom. Forgive me for having such a small view of you and your will. You are able to do amazing things in and through me.

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