
God Wants You To Experience Abundant Life

God Wants You To Experience Abundant Life

I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
John 10:10

Far too many believers in Christ are living what writer Dallas Willard has called “vampire Christianity.” By that phrase he means they are preoccupied with the blood of Christ, but not so much the life of Christ.


Jesus did not come only to forgive our past misdeeds. And he didn’t come just to offer us the future hope of heavenly glory. He came, as the promise above states, to give us life now—life in all its fullness—a richer, deeper, more satisfying existence.

If Christianity is only about a pardon for sins and a ticket to heaven one day, that’s wonderful news—but not much help when your life is unraveling. On the other hand, if knowing Christ brings meaning, clarity and perspective then even hard times can be profitable. Such times are not fun, certainly, but through difficulties, we experience and encounter the one who is life itself (see John 14:7).

• I offer you a rich, satisfying life.

Jesus, your purpose in coming was to give me a full and meaningful life. Forgive me for the times I settle for a drab, ho-hum life or am so preoccupied with the stuff of earth that I fail to seek you or even hear you.

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