
God Watches Over You

God Watches Over You

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.
Psalm 32:8

What an incredible promise! Have you ever wondered how people who aren’t Christians handle decision making? Whenever a big decision comes into their lives, they have nothing but their own wits to depend on as they consider their options.


Even as believers, we might sometimes forget to ask God for his guidance in our decisions, especially if we think he will disagree with our agenda. So, we go our own way, at times falling into one of life’s potholes. When trouble comes as a result, we blame God, wondering why he didn’t “save” us from hard circumstances.

God never forces his counsel on anyone. When we choose to trust him, we choose to place ourselves under his authority. He promises to guide us along “the way [we] should go.” It’s all a matter of trusting that his desires for us are best.

• I will guide you along the very best pathway for your life.

• I will advise and watch over you every step of the way.

You promise that you will guide your people along the best pathways for their lives. Guide me today, Lord. Give me the strength to step out with courage and faith as I sense your leading.

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