
God Will Help You Press On

God Will Help You Press On

Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 3:13-14

Here’s an interesting exercise: On a blank sheet of paper, draw three circles—one to represent how you view your past, one to indicate your life right now, and the third to symbolize how you see your future.


If you’re like a lot of people, your “past” and “future” circles will be larger than your “present” circle. Why? Because we tend to agonize over our past and/or obsess about our future. So much regret, guilt and shame over what has been; so much fear and worry about what might be—we don’t have time or energy left to enjoy what is.

Instead of worry, Christ calls us to a new mindset—forgetting the past and entrusting tomorrow to the one who holds the future. It’s similar to when God gave his people manna in the desert (see Exodus 16). They were forbidden to stockpile this heavenly bread. They were not to worry about the next day’s food.

God wants you to live in the “now.” And why not? Today is all you have. Trust your faithful Father with your uncertain tomorrow.

• I know all your needs.

• I will meet all your daily needs as you live for me.

Lord, you know all my needs and promise to meet them. I am comforted by the truth that you know every detail of my current situation. Nothing catches you off guard. Help me to seek you first, to trust your promise, to live in the “now” and to stop worrying about tomorrow.

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