
God Will Reward Your Faithfulness

God Will Reward Your Faithfulness

I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.
Romans 8:18

If this existence is all we get, why not embrace a frantic lifestyle of trying to have it all and do it all? Why not embark on an all-out quest for earthly possessions and pleasures? Such is the mindset of many who have embraced the “busyness” lie.


But there are those who don’t believe this lie. They are the faithful few who see the temporal nature of this world. Struck by the piercing reality of the world to come, they embrace a different lifestyle. Like Moses of old (see Hebrews 11:24-26), they say “yes” to God, which simultaneously means they say “no” to most of what is prized and pursued by culture. For this, they are mocked and derided. For this, they suffer—sometimes greatly.

But look at the promise. God rewards the faithful, those with the guts to cling to their convictions even when the cost is great suffering.

• I will give glory to those who have suffered for doing right.

You promise future glory to those who suffer in the present for their faithfulness. God, give me the courage to stand with your people. Protect me from wrong and shallow ways of thinking. I don’t want to suffer, but more than that, I don’t want to miss your blessing or the chance to bring you honor.

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