
God’s Devotion To You Is Unconditional

God’s Devotion To You Is Unconditional

If we are faithless, he remains faithful, for he cannot disown himself.
2 Timothy 2:13

What’s your favorite hymn or praise song? Why is it your favorite? Is it the music you like, the lyrics, or both?


In 2 Timothy 2, the apostle Paul quoted some lines from what most scholars believe was an early Christian hymn. Perhaps Paul and Timothy had sung it together on various ministry trips. Or maybe Paul remembered its special meaning to Timothy. Whatever the case, the soon-to-be-executed missionary used these lyrics to challenge his young friend to keep walking with God—even in life’s hardest moments.

The last line, the one quoted above, is important. It’s a reminder that even when our commitment wavers, God remains fully committed to us. Our faithlessness does not in any way alter God’s faithfulness. Instead, his faithfulness can motivate us to respond in kind.

God is not going anywhere—he’s with us to the end. What a comforting promise for fickle followers. And what a motivation to sing our favorite hymns of praise.

• I will not turn my back on you—no matter what.

Even when I am unfaithful, Lord, you are not. I praise you for being my faithful God. Nothing can cause you to give up on me. You always keep your promises. O Father, let me live to your glory today in the realization of your perfect love and care.

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