
God’s Love For You Is Forever

God’s Love For You Is Forever

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? … No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.
Romans 8:35,37

One of the fascinating subplots in the Oscar-winning movie Rocky is the way in which the shy and homely Adrian blossoms in response to the title character’s awkward affection. The result is a vivid picture of the transforming power of unconditional love.


This is not just Hollywood fantasy. This is actually the promise of the gospel. Believers are chosen by God. In Christ, we are fully accepted. As God’s children, we are absolutely cherished. The inspired words of Paul above assure us there’s not a thing in the universe that can alter this stunning fact.

God’s love gives us supreme confidence. It not only provides a safety net, but it also gives us wings. We have nothing to fear.

Regardless of how things seem right now, you are on God’s heart and in his mind. You are the target of his perfect love.

• Nothing in the universe can keep me from loving you.

Heavenly Father, nothing can ever separate me from your love. This seems too good to be true. Enable me to grasp the reality of your impossible-to-comprehend love. In my darkest moments, keep me going with this truth, one that will transform me.

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