
God’s Presence Drives Away Your Fear

God’s Presence Drives Away Your Fear

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9

Make the decision to follow after God and your life will be anything but dull. He will ask you to attempt “impossible” things. He will lead you in and through some dark and scary situations. Will you, on occasion, feel panicky and uncertain? Count on it. Will you face discouragement? No question about it. Meanwhile, God will call on you repeatedly to keep trusting and keep following.


Take Joshua, for example. When he was tapped by God to fill Moses’ sandals and lead the nation of Israel into the promised land, he was uncertain, skittish, fearful—anything but confident. Recognizing this, God told him four times in 18 verses, “Be strong and courageous.” And then he gave the reason: “For the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:6,9).

Where is God leading you? What is he calling you to do? Whatever it is, no matter how daunting, the promise is this: You don’t have to fear—God is with you to give you success.

• You do not need to be afraid.

• You do not need to give in to discouragement.

• I am with you everywhere you go.

Heavenly Father, you tell me not to be afraid or discouraged. Given my life situation, these commands seem so impossible. Yet you pledge your presence with me everywhere I go. Thank you, God, for this amazing promise. Help me believe it, not just in my head, but deep within my soul.

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