
God’s Spirit Leads You

God’s Spirit Leads You

What we have received is not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may understand what God has freely given us.
1 Corinthians 2:12

What good is an advantage if you don’t capitalize on it? Or a gift you never open?


One of the greatest gifts we’ve been given as Christians is the indwelling Spirit of God. It is the Holy Spirit who imparts the very life of the Father (God) to us at the time we put our faith in the Son (Jesus Christ). God’s Spirit is our “Advocate” (see John 14:26). He gives us the ability to live the way the Father intends for us to live (see Acts 1:8 and Galatians 5:16).

But if we are too busy to acknowledge the Spirit’s presence or too distracted to listen to his voice, we squander a valuable resource. He longs to direct us down good paths. He wants to show us the deep things of God.

What needs to change in your life—in your schedule—today so that you can pay closer attention to the Spirit’s leadings? Are you willing to slow down and listen?

• I have given you my Spirit.

• My Spirit will show you the depths of my blessings.

God, you have given me your Holy Spirit. Thank you, Lord! Teach me how to listen to you. Give me ears to hear. I need to better understand grace, forgiveness, eternity—you. Keep me from the distraction of busyness. Draw me closer to you.

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