
God’s Truth Brings Ultimate Satisfaction

God’s Truth Brings Ultimate Satisfaction

Blessed are those whose ways are blameless, who walk according to the law of the Lord. Blessed are those who keep his statutes and seek him with all their heart.
Psalm 119:1-2

“Don’t worry. Be happy!” Bobby McFerrin’s chart-topping pop song counseled. The problem is everyone seems to have a different opinion about how and where to find happiness. Thus the frenetic desperation of modern life—everyone is scrambling to find the kind of soul satisfaction that lasts.


This is why many people go from relationship to relationship; from expensive toy to expensive toy; from job to job; seeking—in vain—that elusive satisfaction.

The psalmist understood that deep satisfaction is bound up in understanding and obeying God’s truth. Those who are focused on the Lord, and who build their lives on his unchanging Word, experience a wholeness of soul that leads to enduring satisfaction in life.

• True satisfaction is yours when you seek me and do what I say.

O, Lord, stir up within me a deep hunger for your Word. You want me to seek you with all my heart. Reveal yourself and your will to me. Satisfy me with your truth. I know that I will find true, lasting happiness when I consistently live according to what is true and right. I want to be a person of integrity. I want to follow you and keep your commands.

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