
God’s Word Is A Stress Reliever

God’s Word Is A Stress Reliever

Trouble and distress have come upon me, but your commands give me delight.
Psalm 119:143

STRESS is what we feel when we STruggle against all the pRESSures and demands of life.

Typically, stress comes from the realization that our resources are not enough. For instance, we have too many bills and not enough money in the checking account. Or we have ten hours of work to do and eight hours in which to do it. Or we’ve been given a task we don’t have the skills to accomplish.

Psalm 119 offers a little-known, seldom-used stress buster: God’s Word. The Scriptures, say verse 143, can bring joy to the child of God who is ready to pull out his or her hair. How? By reminding us of what is true and giving us perspective. God’s commands give us delight. When we keep our eyes on our all-powerful, eternal and faithful God, we realize that “our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all” (2 Corinthians 4:17). Even though our resources are limited, God’s are more than enough for whatever we face.

• In stressful times, my Word can bring you joy.

Stress seems to bear down on me daily! O Lord, I’m afraid I don’t always handle life’s pressures well. Keep me from whining and complaining. Show me how to find joy in your commands. What an example I would be if I were to live with joy in the midst of stressful times. Drive me to your word, where I can find life-giving truth and supernatural joy.


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