
God’s Work In Your Life Is Unstoppable

God’s Work In Your Life Is Unstoppable

Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.
2 Corinthians 4:16

The physical signs are impossible to deny. Perhaps the wrinkles are spreading and deepening. Or your hair is graying. Certain clothes no longer fit. You find yourself unable to physically do what you used to do.

Fact #1: You are getting older.

Fact #2: Your body is wearing out.

Fact #3: You have two choices: You can devote all your waking energies to trying (futilely!) to preserve your temporal body. Or, you can accept the inevitability of physical aging and focus your attention instead on what God is doing in you spiritually.

That’s today’s promise. In the life to come God will resurrect and renew your body. It’ll be the ultimate makeover. But for now his focus is your inner self—changing you, maturing you.

Is that your focus too?

• I am constantly changing you from the inside out.

My body is breaking down. O Lord, give me a sense of balance. I want to take care of my body, but I do not want to be like so many in our health and beauty-obsessed culture who are looking for some kind of nonexistent fountain of youth. You are renewing my spirit every day. Help me to depend on you.


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