
Jesus Came To Seek The Lost

Jesus Came To Seek The Lost

For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.
Luke 19:10

It’s popular in church circles these days to speak of “seekers.” Typically this is the label used to describe people who seem curious to know more about Jesus. They may be intrigued by the gospel message or attracted by the life of a Christian they know. So they visit church. They ask questions. They are open to spiritual conversations.


The Bible speaks of “seekers” differently. Jesus said in John 6:44 that “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them.”

Put simply the real “seeker” is the Lord. Jesus said this plainly in Luke 19:10. It happened in Jericho, after Jesus invited himself to the home of a notoriously dishonest tax collector named Zacchaeus, and after Jesus proclaimed him right with God. “I came” Jesus said, “to seek and to save the lost.”

This shouldn’t shock us. Builders build. Kickers kick. Teachers teach. Plumbers plumb. What else would a Savior do, but save?

Be encouraged as you pray for friends and family members who may or may not appear to be “seeking.” What matters is that Jesus is seeking after them. Why? Because he wants to save them.

• I seek lost people.

• I want to save lost people.

God, thank you for sending the Savior into the world; and for drawing people to yourself. I ask you today to work in the heart of___________. I ask you to save them.

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