
The Lord Is Your Strength

The Lord Is Your Strength

The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to tread on the heights.
Habakkuk 3:19

“Out of gas.” “Nothing left to give.” “Bone tired.” These are the common confessions of the weary.


Perhaps you’ve lived through hard, uncertain circumstances for long periods of time. If so, you know all too well the deepest meanings of the word “exhaustion.” Sometimes even when your body can still go, your soul just can’t.

The prophet Habakkuk experienced this kind of emotional, spiritual weariness. He was deeply troubled by Israel’s sin. He called on God to act. Then he was even more shocked by God’s announced intention to use the evil Chaldeans to discipline the people of God.

But the more time Habakkuk spent in God’s presence, the more his fear turned into faith, and the more his despair turned into determination.

Where did the beleaguered prophet find the strength to carry on? In God himself. The “Sovereign Lord,” the one who is the ultimate source of all power, is the one who “enables” us to keep going.

Need a new burst of power? Strengthen yourself in the Lord your God (see 1 Samuel 30:6).

• I am your strength.

• I enable you to live as I command.

Sovereign Lord, I need you. My strength is limited; your strength is endless. Fill me and empower me. Right now, enable me to do all that you’ve called me to do.

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