
The Lord Will Be Glorified

The Lord Will Be Glorified

For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.
Habakkuk 2:14

Go online and check out the reader comments at the end of almost any news story that has a religious angle. You will be stunned at the venom and vitriol spewed by those who profess to be skeptics and atheists. Mocking, taunting, blasphemous comments for pages on end.


Is godlessness growing? Perhaps. Are the forces of unbelief winning the day? Not a chance!

In an extremely bleak and dark time in Israel’s history, God spoke to and through the prophet Habakkuk. His message? Don’t fret over the mighty and much-feared Babylonians. Their opposition to God, his plan and his people was in vain. In fact, they were mere tools in the Lord’s hands. He would sovereignly use them for divine purposes. And in the end, all their efforts would amount to nothing.

The promise? Ultimately, God will receive glory from all the peoples of the earth. Everything and everybody everywhere will bring honor to God.

So certain is this fact, so sure is this promise, that it’s repeated in Psalm 72:19, Isaiah 6:3 and 11:9.

Pause a moment right now and praise God for the promise that he will be exalted … guaranteed.

• Nothing can keep me from receiving the honor due to me.

Jesus, I bow my knee and my will, and say, “You are Lord!” You WILL be honored. You will receive the glory you deserve. May that be true in my life today.

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