
The Lord Will Dry Your Tears

The Lord Will Dry Your Tears

“ ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”
Revelation 21:4

“Life is a vale of tears,” the old saying goes, and it’s doubtful if a truer phrase has ever been spoken.


We are surrounded on all sides by sadness and sorrow. Try as we might we cannot evade grief or loss in this broken world. As a result, we often find ourselves misty-eyed or crying, weeping or sobbing—sometimes even wailing inconsolably. What can we say? Tears of sadness are a regular part of our human experience.

There’s a fascinating verse in the book of Psalms that seems to suggest that God keeps a record of our tears (see Psalm 56:8). Another passage (see Psalm 30:5) comforts us with the reminder that most of our sorrows will be short-lived.

But the most encouraging verse of all is today’s promise that tells of the coming day when all tears will cease. God will personally bring ultimate and final comfort to his people. He will wipe away every tear. No more crying. Only realized hope and lasting joy.

As you battle life’s sorrows and griefs, that’s a good promise to tuck away: No more crying.

• I will wipe away your tears.

• I will reverse the curse and all its painful effects.

Father God, when I am sad, keep me from despair. Instead, remind me by your Spirit that Christ has defeated sin and death. The day is coming when the world will be put right and all sorrow will cease. Praise your holy name!

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