
The Son Of God Prays For You

The Son Of God Prays For You

Because Jesus lives forever, he has a permanent priesthood. Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.
Hebrews 7:24-25

If you have people who pray for you regularly, you are blessed—and rightly so. If one or two of those praying people happen to be godly, respected saints, you probably feel an added comfort.


How much more wonderful is the news that Jesus Christ prays for us continually before the throne of God?

It’s true. Hebrews 7 says it. The Greek word translated “to intercede for them” was often used in ancient times to refer to the practice of petitioning a king on behalf of someone else. This is known as interceding.

This is what Jesus does for us—stationed at the right hand of God, he intercedes for us nonstop, probably in much the same manner we find him praying for his disciples in John 17.

Such a guarantee can’t help but give us confidence as we live in chaotic, uncertain times.

• I am your great High Priest.

• I am the one who saves you.

• I am your representative.

I praise you, Lord, for your wonderful salvation and constant care. Thank you for praying for me continually before the throne of God. I ask you to make my life and actions conform to your will.

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