
Those Who Believe Will Be Saved

Those Who Believe Will Be Saved

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
Romans 10:9-10

If your child or some other loved one is not a believer, you are surely hurting. Perhaps you only recently became a believer yourself and want your loved ones to know the faith you now profess. Perhaps you think you did everything wrong in your relationship with your child or loved one and now you are punishing yourself. Perhaps you think you did everything right in showing the love of God, and now you can’t believe this is happening.


Whether we were “right” or “wrong,” we need not punish ourselves or wonder what we could or should have done better. It’s better to spend our energy on our knees in fervent prayer for our children and other loved ones. God works in every person in a different way. He promises that every person who believes and confesses Jesus as Lord will be saved. We can pray for others, but we can’t make them believe. The Holy Spirit must work in them.

• I will save those who confess and believe.

• By believing in me, you are made right with me.

• By confessing your faith in me, you will be saved.

Dear God, you promise that those who believe in Jesus and confess him as Lord will be saved. I pray that my loved one will see their need for you. I pray they will call on you. Please guide them toward confession and belief.

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