
You Can Enjoy God’s Gifts And Be Thankful

You Can Enjoy God’s Gifts And Be Thankful

Everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving.
1 Timothy 4:4

Here’s another verse that people love to quote out of context and make it mean what it doesn’t mean. Some try to say that “everything God created is good” means that even sinful behavior can be acceptable because, well, God created it, right? Wrong.


Paul was writing in response to false teachers who had added many rules in order for people to be truly saved (specifically, forbidding marriage and abstaining from certain foods, see 1 Timothy 4:3). Paul explained that God created marriage and food and both are good. Of course, people can abuse anything. According to the Bible, God designed marriage to be between one man and one woman. Homosexuality and adultery are not what God planned and, therefore, are not good. God gave us food to enjoy, but gluttony is an abuse of God’s gift and not good. Paul clarified that believers do not have to abstain from God’s good gifts in order to be saved. We should instead recognize God’s hand in all the pleasures of his creation, use them according to his guidelines and be thankful.

God gave us gifts to enjoy. We can have an attitude of thankfulness for all that he has given us.

• Everything I created is good, and you need not reject any of it in order to be saved.

• When you use what I have created within my guidelines, you can receive those pleasures gladly.

Thank you for all the wonderful pleasures you created for us, Lord. Thank you for your beautiful creation, for wind, rain and sunshine, for the joy of friendship, the intimacy of marriage, the enjoyment of good and nourishing food. Let me never forget to thank you for all these joys.

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