
You Can Have Joy In Troubles

You Can Have Joy In Troubles

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
James 1:2-4

Believers should be identified as people with an amazing outlook on their troubles. Think about it. We …


• Have the Holy Spirit in our hearts.

• Know that God promises to work all things together for good.

• Know that anything that happens to us is allowed by God for a purpose.

• Know that God wants us to grow to maturity.

The troubles that come into our lives should not surprise us, make us doubt God’s love for us or put us into a tailspin. Instead, our response should be joy. No, we don’t have to be happy about the trouble, but we can graciously accept what God has allowed to happen because we know that he has a good purpose for it. And yes, troubles test our faith, but tested faith results in endurance. And as endurance grows, we gain spiritual maturity.

Troubles are inevitable. How we handle them shows our true colors. God enables us to face troubles with joy and so gain endurance and strong character.

• Troubles and trials can be opportunities for joy.

• When your faith is tested, I will teach you endurance and produce maturity and strength of character.

Lord, one hallmark of my faith should be my ability to face troubles with your perspective in mind. Give me the ability to face troubles with your grace. Help me to hold on to your promise so that when my faith is tested, endurance has a chance to grow.

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