
You Can Help Others

You Can Help Others

Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted. Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
Galatians 6:1-2

With maturity comes responsibility. God desires our spiritual maturity so that we can help others. Praying for others is one way that believers older in the faith can help other believers, particularly those who may have fallen into sin. It is through prayer that we can be equipped to restore others and give wise counsel.


Yet we must also pray for a wall of protection around us. Satan hates it when believers step in and thwart his plans. We need to pray that God will protect us from pride—thinking that we got the person we prayed for back on track—and from being tripped up by the same temptations faced by those we are trying to help. We are especially vulnerable if these are areas in which we are already weak.

God says that we are obeying the law of Christ when we reach out to help other believers and share their burdens. We are all on this path together. We need to help and encourage one another.

• I desire that you mature so that you can help others.

• You obey my law when you share other people’s troubles and problems.

Lord, equip me to serve you. Help me be compassionate and share others’ burdens. I also pray for a wall of protection around me as I help others. Guide me as I walk along your path so that I can willingly pick up those who have fallen and help them along the way. Protect me from pride and from falling into sin.

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