
You Can Trust In God’s Provision

You Can Trust In God’s Provision

Do not worry, saying, “What shall we eat?” or “What shall we drink?” or “What shall we wear?” For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Matthew 6:31-33

Food, drink and clothing are important. Add shelter to the list, and you have the basics for survival. In this passage, God is not advocating homelessness; we must take care of the necessities of life. The key word here is “worry.” We are expected to provide the basics for ourselves and our families, but we should not worry about them. God will provide what we need. We often worry because we get in over our heads trying to get what we want instead of simply what we need.


In the midst of providing for ourselves and our families, we can infuse all of our pursuits and responsibilities with concern for God’s kingdom. When that is our primary concern, even as we work at our jobs, tend our homes or shop for clothing, we will have the right perspective. We can honor God at all times. And when the going gets tough for a time, we don’t need to worry; we can trust God to provide everything we need.

• You don’t need to worry about your basic needs, for I already know them and will provide them for you.

• You can live a bountiful life—even in day-to-day activities—when you keep the honor and glory of my kingdom as your primary concern.

Heavenly Father, I confess to worrying over issues beyond my control. Give me the right perspective on this, Lord. Help me see the difference between needs and wants. Please transform my life.

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