


Balancing Work and Family


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Balancing Work and Family

Live happily with the woman you love through all the . . . days of life that God has given you under the sun. The wife God gives you is your reward for all your earthly toil. Ecclesiastes 9:9

When we talk about work and family and how to balance the two, the answer is not always less work. Sometimes it is integrating the family into your work. For example, does your job allow the opportunity for you and your spouse to have lunch together from time to time? Such lunches can be an oasis in the midst of a dry day.

If your job requires travel, could you take your spouse or one of your children with you? This allows a mini-vacation that you might not otherwise be able to afford. It also exposes your family to your vocation and gives them a little more appreciation for what you do.

Less work and more time at home is not necessarily the answer. Better use of time at home may make all the difference. Do something different tonight with a family member. Get out of the routine. Take initiative.

Such actions say, “I care about this relationship. I want to keep it alive. I enjoy being with you. Let’s do something you would like to do.” Minimize the television; maximize activity and conversation. According to Ecclesiastes 9:9, the Bible says your spouse is a gift. Hard work is a necessary part of life, but a marriage partner is a reward and a blessing. When you remember that and prioritize accordingly, you will keep your marriage alive and growing.

Lord Jesus, I’m grateful for the gift of my spouse. Please help me to make him or her a priority. Show me creative ways to increase my time with him or her, and ways to make that time meaningful.


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