


Believing in Restoration


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Believing in Restoration

Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Ephesians 3:20

Separation means that the marriage is in trouble. Your dreams of making each other happy have been shattered. The lack of fulfillment you experienced before separation probably came from one of three sources: (1) lack of an intimate relationship with God, (2) lack of an intimate relationship with your mate, or (3) lack of an intimate understanding and acceptance of yourself. The first and last of these can be corrected without the help of your spouse. The second, of course, requires the cooperation of both husband and wife.

Radical change in all three areas is very possible. If you will begin working on your relationship with God and on developing a better understanding of yourself, you will be working on the reconciliation of your marriage—even if your spouse is not actively involved at this point.

Let a pastor, counselor, or Christian friend help you take a fresh look at God and yourself. Move toward God and seek his help in understanding your role in restoring your relationship with your spouse. Change yourself, and you open the door to the possibility of reconciliation. The apostle Paul tells us in Ephesians 3 that God can do more than we can ask or even think. He can restore your marriage.

Father, thank you for reminding me of the steps I can take toward reconciliation, even if my spouse isn’t walking in that direction right now. I want to know you more, and I want to know myself better. Please guide me as I try to figure these things out.

(If you are not separated, pray for a friend who is.)


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