


Encouraging Excellence

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Encouraging Excellence

Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. Hebrews 10:24

Marriage gives a husband and wife an opportunity to minister to each other. They accept each other as they are, but they can also encourage each other to excellence. God has plans for each life. Spouses can help each other succeed in accomplishing these plans, and often this is done by expressing love.

Not everyone feels significant. Some people grew up in homes where they were given negative messages: You are not smart enough. You’re not athletic or talented. You’ll never amount to anything. All of these messages are false, but if they are all you have ever heard, you are likely to believe them.

When you learn your spouse’s primary love language and speak it regularly, you are filling his love tank. You are also impacting her concept of herself. If he loves me, she thinks, I must be significant. You become God’s agent for helping your spouse feel loved. Few things are more important in encouraging your spouse to accomplish God’s plans. As the author of Hebrews wrote, as believers, we should consider how we can encourage each other to greater love and service. That’s even more true within a marriage.

Marriage is designed to help us accomplish more for God. Two are better than one in his Kingdom.

Father, thank you for the plans you have for our lives. We are significant to you, and we can make a difference. Please help me to encourage my spouse in his or her walk with you.


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