


Giving Love


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Giving Love

Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other. Romans 12:10

The desire for romantic love is deeply rooted in our psychological makeup. Almost every popular magazine has at least one article on keeping love alive. So why is it that so few couples seem to have found the secret to a lasting love after the wedding? I’m convinced it’s because we concentrate on “getting love” rather than “giving love.”

As long as you focus on what your spouse should be doing for you, you’ll come across as condemning and critical. How about a different approach—one that says, “What can I do to help you? How can I make your life easier? How can I be a better spouse?” In Romans 12, Paul writes that when we love each other, we should “take delight in honoring each other.” Giving to the one we love does not have to be a chore; if our affection is genuine, giving and serving can be a joy. Giving love will keep your relationship alive.

Father, help me to concentrate on giving love today. May I focus less on what my spouse can give me, and more on what I can give to him or her. Thanks for being the ultimate example of selfless, giving love.


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