
God, If You’re There . . .

God, If You’re There . . .

Read Psalms 105:1–106:48

1. Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim his greatness. Let the whole world know what he has done.
2. Sing to him; yes, sing his praises. Tell everyone about his wonderful deeds.
3. Exult in his holy name; rejoice, you who worship the Lord. . . .
5. Remember the wonders he has performed, his miracles, and the rulings he has given,
6. you children of his servant Abraham, you descendants of Jacob, his chosen ones.
7. He is the Lord our God. His justice is seen throughout the land.
8. He always stands by his covenant—the commitment he made to a thousand generations.
9. This is the covenant he made with Abraham and the oath he swore to Isaac.
10. He confirmed it to Jacob as a decree, and to the people of Israel as a never-ending covenant:
11. “I will give you the land of Canaan as your special possession.” Psalm 105:1-3, Psalm 105:5-11


When I pray, it doesn’t feel as if God is listening. When I read the Bible, it seems dull and lifeless. Have either of those concerns ever crossed your mind?

Consider the words of Psalm 105, which recall the many wonders God did for Israel—the miracles that helped them and the judgments on their enemies. David knows about spiritual dryness, and he knows that remembering can help a believer get through these times.

Also, if you make the mistake of not remembering God’s goodness to you, Psalm 106 will teach you about learning from your mistakes.

David knew that even God’s people sometimes lose heart in their pursuit of God. Yet he also had discovered a remedy: remembering the way that God had helped his people in the past (Psalm 105:5).

God has always worked in the lives of his people, and he will continue to do so today. He is not far away but close by. That’s why we should “search for the Lord . . . [and] continually seek him” (Psalm 105:4).

Whenever you feel far from God, remember his specific deeds in your life, as David did. Persist in seeking God. If you can’t remember them, start writing them down, and read the Bible’s reminders of God’s past works. Then pray through your needs and thank God for his help.

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