


Honey, This Applies to You!


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Honey, This Applies to You!

Read Hosea 6:1–10:15


1. “Sound the alarm! The enemy descends like an eagle on the people of the Lord, for they have broken my covenant and revolted against my law.
2. Now Israel pleads with me, ‘Help us, for you are our God!’
3. But it is too late. The people of Israel have rejected what is good, and now their enemies will chase after them.
4. The people have appointed kings without my consent, and princes without my knowledge. By making idols for themselves from their silver and gold, they have brought about their own destruction.
5. O Samaria, I reject this calf—this idol you have made. My fury burns against you. How long will you be incapable of innocence?
6. This calf you worship, O Israel, was crafted by your own hands! It is not God! Therefore, it must be smashed to bits.
7. They have planted the wind and will harvest the whirlwind.” Hosea 8:1-7

When sitting in church, married people can often think of a thousand ways that their spouse should put the sermon they’re hearing to good use. More patience, less judging—yes, that’s what he (or she) needs. If only my spouse would listen.

In this reading, Hosea is talking directly to the Israelites. They have a tendency of finding fault with others far away. They need to take a good look in the mirror before pointing fingers.

That’s not all Israel needs to do, however. There are more good lessons in this passage for them to hear, if they’re willing: lessons such as how a person reaps what he or she sows; the cost of serving false gods; and prosperity not being an indicator of God’s approval.

God said, “Even though I gave them all my laws, they act as if those laws don’t apply to them.” (Hosea 8:12). The Israelites needed to look at how the laws applied to them, not to others. Anyone can listen to a sermon and think of other people who need to hear it. Everyone, at least occasionally, reads the Bible, comes upon a great truth, and thinks, If only so and so would do what this passage teaches! When we do that, we miss the point. God has given the message to us, and that’s where the response must begin. Maybe the person we have in mind does need to change, but even then the best way to change him or her involves setting a good example ourselves.

Whenever you encounter a rule to live by, apply it to yourself first. Then pray for others who you think could also benefit from it.

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