
It’s Not Fair!

It’s Not Fair!

Read Psalms 79:1–81:16

5. O Lord, how long will you be angry with us? Forever? How long will your jealousy burn like fire?
6. Pour out your wrath on the nations that refuse to acknowledge you—on kingdoms that do not call upon your name.
7. For they have devoured your people Israel, making the land a desolate wilderness.
8. Do not hold us guilty for the sins of our ancestors! Let your compassion quickly meet our needs, for we are on the brink of despair.
9. Help us, O God of our salvation! Help us for the glory of your name. Save us and forgive our sins for the honor of your name.
10. Why should pagan nations be allowed to scoff, asking, “Where is their God?” Show us your vengeance against the nations, for they have spilled the blood of your servants.
11. Listen to the moaning of the prisoners. Demonstrate your great power by saving those condemned to die. Psalm 79:5-11


Injustice. Unfairness. These are two ugly realities that everyone must face and deal with at some point in life. When will injustices in this world stop?

Psalm 79 is the prayer of a man with that question on his mind. It’s the burning cry of a man who truly loves God, a man who really cares, a man who has been the victim. This psalm is a prayer for justice in Israel’s time of distress, but it is still applicable to injustices committed today.

Other prayers in this passage include how to pray after experiencing defeat (Psalm 80) and celebrating God’s goodness in view of our unfaithfulness (Psalm 81).

Asaph (the author of Psalm 79) wanted to see the wrong that had been done made right. Like Asaph, we, too, want justice. However, the question remains: Can we expect to get it in this lifetime? We know for sure that, eventually, God will deal justly with everyone, but what about the present, the here and now?

We shouldn’t expect to receive earthly justice in our lifetimes. This is not because God doesn’t care, but because he often has a higher purpose in mind. So, we must endure injustice with patience and allow God to use it to strengthen us. In the meantime, we can bring our requests for justice to God. He won’t ignore them.

Be ready to live in an unjust world—life isn’t fair. And be prepared for criticism, jokes, and unkind remarks, because God does not always shield his people from the attacks of this world. Remember, however, that in the end the righteous will be vindicated. God will remember you!

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