


Sensitivity Training


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Sensitivity Training

Read Isaiah 28:1–31:9


23. Listen to me; listen, and pay close attention.
24. Does a farmer always plow and never sow? Is he forever cultivating the soil and never planting?
25. Does he not finally plant his seeds—black cumin, cumin, wheat, barley, and emmer wheat—each in its proper way, and each in its proper place?
26. The farmer knows just what to do, for God has given him understanding.
27. A heavy sledge is never used to thresh black cumin; rather, it is beaten with a light stick. A threshing wheel is never rolled on cumin; instead, it is beaten lightly with a flail.
28. Grain for bread is easily crushed, so he doesn’t keep on pounding it. He threshes it under the wheels of a cart, but he doesn’t pulverize it.
29. The Lord of Heaven’s Armies is a wonderful teacher, and he gives the farmer great wisdom. Isaiah 28:23-29

Many descriptions of the 1980s and 1990s include a reference to male sensitivity—or lack of it. Because of women’s liberation and concern over stereotypes, men have been encouraged to be more sensitive, to allow more feelings to show, and to have more concern for others in general. Some men squawked; others cheered.

This passage contains a lesson on sensitivity. As you read, you will see that power and sensitivity can live together.

Also in this reading, Isaiah pronounces a series of woes on those who resist being taught, who live double lives, and who go their own way instead of God’s way.

The farmer uses special tools to plant and harvest tender herbs so he will not destroy them. He takes into account how fragile they are. In the same way God takes all our individual circumstances and weaknesses into account (Isaiah 28:23-29). He deals with each of us sensitively.

We should follow his example whenever we deal with others, because different people require different treatment. Sensitivity is required.

Be sensitive to the unique personalities and needs of those around you, being careful not to overpower the weak or to coddle the strong. Be aware of the special treatment that each person may need and the special circumstances in each one’s life, then relate and lead accordingly.

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