
What, Me Worry?

What, Me Worry?

Read Psalms 73:1–75:10

9. We no longer see your miraculous signs. All the prophets are gone, and no one can tell us when it will end. . . .
12. You, O God, are my king from ages past, bringing salvation to the earth. . . .
18. See how these enemies insult you, Lord. A foolish nation has dishonored your name.
19. Don’t let these wild beasts destroy your turtledoves. Don’t forget your suffering people forever.
20. Remember your covenant promises, for the land is full of darkness and violence!
21. Don’t let the downtrodden be humiliated again. Instead, let the poor and needy praise your name.
22. Arise, O God, and defend your cause. Remember how these fools insult you all day long.
23. Don’t overlook what your enemies have said or their growing uproar. Psalm 74:9, Psalm 12, Psalm 18-23


For many years it appeared as if Communists were succeeding in wiping out religion. When Soviet cosmonauts entered space, they boasted that they looked for God but found no trace of him. Ever since the days of Noah, skeptics have had such disbelief.

Psalm 74 is a plea for God to show himself to people who don’t believe that he exists. If you have ever felt frustrated by God’s silence in a day and age when people so brazenly say, “There is no God,” you will find that this psalm has your answer.

The other themes in this reading include looking to future rewards (Psalm 73); getting help in times of need (Psalm 74); and relying on God to judge those who are wicked (Psalm 75).

People who hate God have often thought that they could destroy God by wiping out his people. This attitude prevails today—many people try to eliminate religious holidays and traditions and erase God from subjects taught in our schools.

Christians should not become discouraged, because those attempts cannot succeed. We should strive to be more of an influence in our communities by truly caring for people the way Christ did and by living an exemplary life—with God’s power and grace—before our neighbors.

What can you do to stand up for the truth? What changes should you make in your lifestyle to reflect Christ to your friends, coworkers, and neighbors?

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