
A Father’s Legacy

A Father’s Legacy

These are the twelve tribes of Israel, and these are the blessings with which Jacob blessed his twelve sons. Each received a blessing that was appropriate to him. Genesis 49:28


The act of blessing in the Old Testament was much more significant than just an inheritance of gifts or money. A spoken blessing was a legacy that a father left to a son. When Jacob called his sons around him, the scene was much different from when he had stolen his brother Esau’s blessing on their father Isaac’s deathbed. At that time Jacob was known as “the deceiver.” His sad example continued into the next generation, when his sons sold their brother Joseph into slavery. As Jacob lay on his deathbed, however, he could no longer be identified as a dishonest man. He had learned from his early mistakes and was now known as a man of honor. Though he bestowed spoken blessings on his sons, the example of his changed life was a living legacy that would have an impact on the generations that came after him.

We, too, will leave a legacy to those who will follow us. We have the opportunity to influence the outcome of our own destiny as we follow Christ, but we also have the chance to shape the lives of those who will follow in our footsteps. What kind of legacy are you leaving for the next generation?

FATHER, when I make wrong decisions, help me to be honest and transparent before you. Please help me to follow you faithfully so that I can be a blessing to those you’ve placed in my trust and to those around me who will be watching my example. As you have blessed me, your child, so I yearn to bless others.

The power to reproduce godly offspring remains primarily with the parent who loves the Lord, knows and obeys his word, and is committed to the depth of his heart to produce godly offspring.
Bruce Wilkinson

The One Year Bible Readings for today are: Genesis 48:1–49:33; Matthew 15:29–16:12; Psalm 20:1-9 and Proverbs 4:20-27.

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