


A Rival Mentality


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A Rival Mentality

Come back, we beg you, O God Almighty. Look down from heaven and see our plight. Watch over and care for this vine that you yourself have planted, this son you have raised for yourself. Psalm 80:14-15


The people of Judah had to contend with rebellious family members who had caused tremendous conflict. When the Assyrians overcame them and took them into captivity, it would have seemed natural for the people of Judah to rejoice. However, instead of seeing the captives as their enemy, Judah immediately perceived their pain as their own and cried out for God to restore the fallen nation.

Unfortunately, we sometimes see our brothers and sisters in Christ as rivals. Do others recognize our efforts? Is our church congregation the largest in the city? Is our Easter pageant the most spectacular? A rival mentality, whether within our own church body or among the churches in our community, causes division and weakness and makes us less effective in reaching a lost world. When a wounded brother falls, we can embrace a rival mentality and rejoice in his failure, or we can stand in the gap and pray for his restoration. Rather than concentrate on beating others to the finish line, ask for the grace to pray for and support our fellow churches and our own church family so that we can run the race together as brothers and sisters in Christ.

LORD, thank you for the churches in my community. Please bless their pastors and leaders with strength and unity, and help their congregations to grow! Help us to work together to reach our community for you. Help me to be an encouragement to my brothers and sisters in Christ and not to forget that we are all running the race together!

There can be no unity, no delight of love, no harmony, no good in being, where there is but one. Two at least are needed for oneness.
George Macdonald (1824–1905)

The One Year Bible Readings for today are: Joshua 3:1–4:24; Luke 14:7-35; Psalm 80:1-19 and Proverbs 12:27-28.

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