
Be Glad in God’s Presence

Be Glad in God’s Presence

Let the godly rejoice. Let them be glad in God’s presence. Let them be filled with joy. Sing praises to God and to his name! Sing loud praises to him who rides the clouds. His name is the Lord—rejoice in his presence! Father to the fatherless, defender of widows—this is God, whose dwelling is holy. Psalm 68:3-5


The Lord is infinitely worthy in so many ways that we will never plumb the depths of his nature. Whether our situation puts us in the brightness of sunshine or in darkness of shadow, we are to be glad in God’s presence, for he has created us and given us new life in Christ Jesus. He has provided for our needs and made us part of his eternal family. In the midst of the psalmist’s praise of God, he proclaims one of God’s most precious attributes: The Lord is a father to those without fathers and a strong defender of widows. The same God who reigns over the universe, rides the clouds, and defeats and scatters the enemy takes tender, fatherly care of those who are alone. In the amazing wideness of his mercy, he places the lonely in families where they can be loved and nurtured. Start a new habit of being glad in God’s presence. Proclaim his unfailing love and mercy. Get up in the morning singing praises, and go to bed thanking God for his faithfulness. And look around you to those who may be lonely or leading solitary lives. Ask the Lord to help you to reach out and bring them into the circle of your family’s love.

LORD, I praise you for your greatness and goodness, for the way you reign over all and yet care for the “least of these.” Your mercy is over all your works! I sing praises to your name, Father of the fatherless, defender of widows, almighty and victorious King. Grant me grace to be glad in your presence and filled with joy as I walk with you today and to be open to those you want me to love with your love.

We all sin by needlessly disobeying the injunction to rejoice as much as anything else.
C. S. Lewis (1898–1963)

The One Year Bible Readings for today are: Deuteronomy 4:1-49; Luke 6:39–7:10; Psalm 68:1-18 and Proverbs 11:28.

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