
Consider the Ant

Consider the Ant

Take a lesson from the ants, you lazybones. Learn from their ways and be wise! Even though they have no prince, governor, or ruler to make them work, they labor hard all summer, gathering food for the winter. Proverbs 6:6-8


The life expectancy of an ant is only forty-five to sixty-five days. In that time, ants help organize a colony, find food, look after their young, and protect the queen from intruders. Ants are real team players. As they squeeze the juice from their food, they secrete a portion into a second stomach to share later with their fellow ants. No wonder Solomon pointed out their work ethic! The ant is a wonderful example of what hard work can accomplish.

God has provided tailor-made opportunities for each of us and has given us gifts that enable us to reach for those dreams. It is sad that we sometimes lose those opportunities by investing our time in things that matter little. God has given us the ability to dream big and to work hard. He has also given us the ability to discern between those things that are worthy of our time and those that rob us of the chance to realize our destiny. Today as you go about your work, pray for the wisdom to know the difference.

LORD, you’ve challenged me with hopes and dreams of having an impact on my world. I don’t want insignificant things to rob me of that destiny. Give me wisdom to discern what really matters. Help me to set realistic priorities in my life and to use my gifts to achieve the dreams you have for me. Thank you for the gift of this day. Help me to focus on what is really important, not merely on what is “urgent.”

Every moment comes to you pregnant with a divine purpose; time being so precious that God deals it out only second by second. Once it leaves your hands and your power to do with it as you please, it plunges into eternity, to remain forever what you made it.
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen (1895–1979)

The One Year Bible Readings for today are: Exodus 10:1–12:13; Matthew 20:1-28; Psalm 25:1-15 and Proverbs 6:6-11.

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