Daily Dependence
Jehoshaphat was a good king, following the ways of his father, Asa. He did what was pleasing in the Lord’s sight. During his reign, however, he failed to remove all the pagan shrines, and the people never fully committed themselves to following the God of their ancestors. 2 Chronicles 20:32-33
Jehoshaphat’s father, Asa, was a stubborn man who refused to admit his failures because of sin. When God’s angel confronted him, Asa went into a rage, rationalizing his mistakes instead of recognizing them and moving on in repentance. When his son, Jehoshaphat, came to the throne, he learned from his father’s mistakes, at least in some aspects. When the people needed religious education or there was a threat of war, Jehoshaphat turned to God for guidance and made the right choices. He relied on the Lord for the big stuff, when the odds were clearly against him. However, when it came to depending on God for guidance about everyday plans and actions, Jehoshaphat failed. We can repeat Jehoshaphat’s error when we relegate God to the background in the mundane, daily stuff or the “easy” decisions of life. God wants us to give him not only the major problems and decisions we face but also the “small stuff” of life, the things we are most often fooled into believing we can control. Although you may not be facing anything major today, have you paused long enough to give your day—including the small stuff—to God?
LORD, let me not neglect spending time with you and take for granted the love and provisions you have daily for my life. Keep me from making the same mistakes Jehoshaphat made. I need your guidance just as much in the “easy” days as I do when I’m facing difficulties. I desire to prayerfully come to you, trusting in your control and sufficiency for each day.
D. L. Moody (1837–1899)
The One Year Bible Readings for today are: 2 Chronicles 19:1–20:37; Romans 10:14–11:12; Psalm 21:1-13 and Proverbs 20:4-6.