


Don’t Tell Me What to Do!


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Don’t Tell Me What to Do!

A wise child accepts a parent’s discipline; a young mocker refuses to listen. Proverbs 13:1


No one likes to be told what to do. We are self-sufficient creatures who would rather stumble along until we get it right. A natural shield zips into place when we feel the zing of correction coming our way. But how much time, effort, and frustration could we avoid if we listened to the counsel of those older and wiser? Many times their life experiences have sharpened their insights. Think of the misfortune we might have missed if we had heeded their instruction. Of course, not every piece of advice is valuable, but we can weigh it in light of God’s Word. When someone rebukes you, pause and examine what you hear. Is there truth in the instruction? Is the Lord trying to show you something through it? What practical steps will you take to apply the instruction to your life?

Although it’s not easy to welcome discipline or instruction from others, it has the potential to shape your character and make your journey through life a little less bumpy. Ask God today to develop in you a teachable heart that accepts discipline and correction and listens to those he puts in your path to teach you and prepare you for what is ahead.

FATHER, thank you for people who will be honest with me and even correct me when I need it! Help me to be receptive rather than defensive and to grow in maturity and character. One day I will be older and wiser, but until then, thank you for those who share their insights with me. Help me to discern what is helpful, to examine instruction in the light of your Word, and to grow!

Discipline is a proof of our sonship.
Erwin W. Lutzer (b. 1941)

The One Year Bible Readings for today are: Joshua 5:1–7:15; Luke 15:1-32; Psalm 81:1-16 and Proverbs 13:1.

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