
God Can Do It Again!

God Can Do It Again!

When they came to Marah, they finally found water. But the people couldn’t drink it because it was bitter. (That is why the place was called Marah, which means “bitter.”) Then the people turned against Moses. “What are we going to drink?” they demanded. Exodus 15:23-24


It had been only days since the children of Israel watched the cloud and the pillar of fire hover between them and the camp of the Egyptians who were pursuing them. The cloud had protected the Israelites during the day and the pillar of fire had provided warmth and light at night while plunging their enemies into darkness. Then they had watched as the breath of God parted the Red Sea, so they could cross on dry land, and then brought the wall of water crashing down on their enemies. Yet when the children of Israel faced thirst, they complained and murmured, wondering out loud whether God had brought them to the desert to die. How could they so quickly forget God’s miracles?

Perhaps their focus was on their thirst rather than on the God who had proved himself faithful many times over. When you are in a difficult place, find courage and comfort by recalling all the times God has provided for you in the past. Write down one specific moment when God delivered you or gave you a miracle in some way, and thank him. Then remind yourself that if God did it before, he can do it again!

LORD, you have proved your faithfulness over and over. Many times when the smoke of the battle has cleared, I can see clearly that you were with me the entire time. Help me to remember your goodness and faithfulness to me no matter what circumstances I may face today. Thank you for never forgetting about me!

If we have noted the Lord’s answers to our prayers and thanked him for what we have received of him, then it becomes easier for us, and we get more courage, to pray for more.
Ole Hallesby (1879–1961)

The One Year Bible Readings for today are: Exodus 15:19–17:7; Matthew 22:1-33; Psalm 27:1-6 and Proverbs 6:20-26.

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